Dr. Tamás Balsai
Our directing surgeon, head of the office who made a dream to reality and gathered the team that is here with us today.

Margó Kasza

Dr. Emese Hulik
Our periodontologist who takes it very seriously that our patients keep their teeth and their health for a lifetime.

Dr. Zsófia Kovács
Her special fields are conservative dentistry; endodontics and high precision are her passion. Our patients like her because she makes all frustrations and fears go away.

Dr. Ádám Csernák
Soon to be specialist in conservative dentistry. Passionate about his work and sports as well. He loves to ride the bike and play basketball in his free time.

Dr. Gabriella Boros

Dr Piroska Erdei

Dr Réka Meszarics

Dr. Bernadett Csipkés

Marietta Szoták
She’s been part of the team for over 19 years. She is the one whose knowledge is valued very much. She is also a loving mother and an enthusiast about football.

Nikolett Broskó

Johanna Deme

Flóra Horváth

Blanka Nagy

Panna Perlaky

Zénó Tóth